What Are Hao Hao's Interests?


Yu-Gi-Oh! is a trading card game, like Magic the Gathering or Pokemon. A few basic rules of this game are


I mean, I don't think I need to explain what Chess is, to be honest. Chess is a board game which includes 6 different pieces, being the pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king. The game ends when one player cannot do anything to prevent the capture of their king, or otherwise called a checkmate. The game can also end when a tie, or stalemate. This most commonly happens when one player accidentally makes all moves for the opponent illegal while the king is not in check. For all the rules in chess click the image.


Cubing is solving the Rubix Cube. My fastest time was around 25 seconds, though I don't solve the puzzle as much anymore. My average is still around 40 seconds though.

Click here to view me solving a cube